My favourite rock images from the posters presented at the 2014 Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group meeting in Edinburgh:
A. Outcrops
If Carlsberg made outcrops... a mouth-watering pair of outcrops in the Leka Ophiolite, western Norway (Brian O'Driscoll) |
B. Section images
A difficult choice here, so here are four good ones:
Large elongate/skeletal olivines in picrite dyke, Skye (Holly Spice) |
The freshest mantle peridotites you could wish for. They've got garnet+-spinel, and come from alkali-olivine basalts of Pali Aike, in Argentina. Possibly the finest mantle xenoliths in the world? (Eve Rooks) |
A terrible blurred picture of a beautful rock. These phonolitic tuffs from northern Tanzania have the most lovely zoned Na-rich clinopyroxenes. And they've got hominid footprints on the top of the ash bed. (Anna Balashova) |
Not an optical microscope image, but fantastic images of great rocks. QemScan images of variolitic picrite from Rum and chrome-spinel layer in anorthosite. (Alan Butcher, FEI) |
An excellent meeting, made even better by
explosive duck-volcano.
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