Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Loveliest rocks displayed at VMSG 2014

My favourite rock images from the posters presented at the 2014 Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group meeting in Edinburgh:

A. Outcrops

If Carlsberg made outcrops... a mouth-watering pair of outcrops in the Leka Ophiolite, western Norway (Brian O'Driscoll)

B. Section images

A difficult choice here, so here are four good ones:

Large elongate/skeletal olivines in picrite dyke, Skye (Holly Spice)

The freshest mantle peridotites you could wish for. They've got garnet+-spinel, and come from alkali-olivine basalts of Pali Aike, in Argentina. Possibly the finest mantle xenoliths in the world? (Eve Rooks)

A terrible blurred picture of a beautful rock. These phonolitic tuffs from northern Tanzania have the most lovely zoned Na-rich clinopyroxenes. And they've got hominid footprints on the top of the ash bed. (Anna Balashova)

Not an optical microscope image, but fantastic images of great rocks. QemScan images of variolitic picrite from Rum and chrome-spinel layer in anorthosite. (Alan Butcher, FEI)

An excellent meeting, made even better by explosive duck-volcano.

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